My introduction to R - step 8

R is open source and many people have contributed and continue to contribute procedures, libraries and packages - and we have access to all of them.
Perhaps we want to take a look at kernel regression, one of many machine learning methods.
Wikipedia even has a script for us.

In order to try out the procedure npreg(), we install the package np and open its library of procedures

Instead of using the procedure install.packages() one can also select Tools > Install Packages ... from the RStudio menu.

We then load the data we want to examine
ryder = read.csv("R.csv",header=T)

In this example, we try to explain the volume (in thousand shares) from the high - low range
y = 0.0001*ryder$Volume
x = ryder$High - ryder$Low

Now we can build the non-parmateric model
mdl = npreg( y ~ x )
and display it together with the data points
plot( mdl )
points( x, y, col="blue" )

exercise: Put the cursor next to the npreg procedure and hit F1 to get the help file. This tells us that npreg uses the parameter bws to set the bandwith (we just used a default). Use the procedure npregbw() to calculate the bandwith before calling npreg.
Hint: There are examples at the end of the helpfile ...

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