
I revived my homepage a few days ago.
It is minimalistic, but contains an incomplete archive of old tsm blog posts, with several broken links.
Furthermore, if you want to simulate quantum gravity (*) you can do this with the programs I published there.

The web hosting is (so far) zero cost for me and comes with only a small ad at the bottom; but in order to discourage business use, the webpage is unavailable for one hour every day, this is currently set to happen between 1am and 2am ET.

Over time I may post more stuff there - we shall see.

(*) Actually the programs calculate some statistical properties of lattice models, motivated by a search for quantum gravity. This search has not found an interesting continuum limit yet and it is unclear if and what it has to do with the correct quantum theory of gravitation ...


Lee said...

Thanks for the link to the tsm posts. I didn't see "The Measurement Problem" post there though and it was one of my favorites. I think you must have written it sometime between 2005 and 2008 but I don't remember for sure. If I remember correctly Dave Bacon liked that post too.

wolfgang said...

Do you mean this one?

Lee said...


Lee said...

In my mind I had it as an earlier post than it evidently really was. I didn't think of looking in tsm2.

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