markets and guns

A while ago humblestudent posted his free market solution to gun violence.
In short, the owner of a gun would be required to pay for the damages done with his weapon. In order to be able to do this, he would have to buy "gun insurance". Obviously, insurance companies would charge a different premium for different models - an AR-15 would be more expensive than a hunting rifle. They would also do basic background checks etc. and charge accordingly.
This would not eliminate gun violence, but it would certainly reduce it.

Of course, most US politicians would not even debate such a proposal and instead prefer to "pray for the victims".


CapitalistImperialistPig said...

A good idea, but not very useful in stopping the kind of suicidal violence that mass murderers perpetrate. If you extend the liability to the sellers of the weapons, that idea would be more potent.

wolfgang said...

It would reduce the chances that an angry young man can afford to buy an AR-15, which currently costs less than $1000 (because the real costs to society are not included).

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