Merry Christmas

I wish everybody peaceful holidays, but if the silent nights become too quiet perhaps you want to think about a little puzzle and solve this equation.

Let me know what you got for ? , but you need to look closely.

Merry Christmas!

added later: Completely unrelated and I do not pretend to understand any of this, but something big seems to be happening in string theory right now.
added even later: But maybe not.


CapitalistImperialistPig said...


CapitalistImperialistPig said...

Er, 30?

wb said...

You need to look more closely.
Hint: What do you have for cat and what do have for cat-with-whistle ?

CapitalistImperialistPig said...

I think I have four equations and five unknowns.

CapitalistImperialistPig said...

Oh, you mean both those big and little things are whistles?

I thought they were 5-branes.

wb said...

>> five unknowns

You only have to consider three variables: shoes, cats (I call it cat, not sure what it really depicts) and whistles.

Lee said...


Happy Holidays Wolfgang!

wb said...

>> 20

No. You need to look more closely.

wb said...

Alright, so this is how it goes:

0) As I emphasized, you need to look closely and realize that the cat (or whatever it is) has a whistle around its neck in line two and three but not the last line.

1) The 1st line tells us that one pair of shoes equals ten ( s = 10 ).

2) It follows that two cat-with-whistle also equals ten and one cat with whistle therefore equals 5 ( c+w = 5 ).

3) From the 3rd line we learn that 2x2 whistles equals eight ( w = 2 ).

3b) It follows that cat without whistle equals three ( c = 3 ).

4) Now we just have to plug in: s + c * w = 10 + 3 * 2 = 16

The puzzle with this solution was posted by ChinaDaily on twitter and it was interesting to see that Asians had less problems with it than people from Europe and US.
I guess this may be due to the different ways we write language. In Chinese every little detail changes the meaning of a word, but European languages are much more barbaric and simple.

Daniel Biggs said...
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