taking bids now ...

Recently, artist Salvatore Garau sold an 'immaterial sculpture' for 15,000 Euros (about 18,300 USD).
After thinking long and hard, I made the difficult decision to auction off the above masterpiece from the artist formerly known as Daily Llama, which I obtained many years ago. I am taking bids now ...
However, I reserve the right to sell the other masterpiece from the same artist as an NFT.


Anonymous said...

I offer one million invisible dollars !

wb said...

You got it, since there are no other visible bids!
Therefore you are now the proud owner of this perfect depiction of the invisible pink unicorn and also the invisible golden llama. It also shows in great clarity the meaning of life and raises the important question of the cardinality of the set of all invisible art.
A timeless masterpiece about everything and nothing ...

Anonymous said...

Is the set of invisible and immaterial sculptures larger than the set of untold stories?

wb said...

Yes, if all stories are of finite length.
However, there could be stories that cannot be told in a finite amount of time ...

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